In This Issue
Week of 7/3/2017
Vol. 22 Issue 24
SNS: The Next Great World: Technology vs. Human Nature
- The Media and Global Anxiety
- Energy
- Medicine
- Transport
- Computers
- Water
- Global Warming
- Population
- Peace
- Human Nature
Quotes of the Week
Upgrades and Numbers
- Bailing Out Italy
Takeout Window
- Team Invention May Help to Protect Astronauts from Radiation in Space
Are people basically good, or are people basically evil? Can one bad actor – a Hitler, say – threaten civilization’s forward march? Is the “tragedy of the commons” inevitable, or do groups work toward a common success? Is technology basically good, or is technology basically evil?
Is humankind doomed, or are we on the leading edge of the most exciting and rewarding period in our history?
And finally, does mass media indeed have a hidden bias, and if so, how does it affect our views, and our actions, with regard to these other issues?
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