SNS Subscriber Edition Volume 21, Issue 4 Week of January 25, 2016
In This Issue
Feature: Special Letter: Does Government-Funded Science Play A Role In Stimulating Innovation?
The Driver of Innovation Is …
Before Our Very Eyes
Back to Innovation
About David Brin
Publisher’s Note: Most of us are busy; we just don’t have time to do the deep thinking about society, history, philosophy, psychology, and politics that would be necessary to rise above the crap we hear on television. The result is that we try to pick the most reasonable choices from a menu of roadkill ideas.
Thankfully, scientist, author, and creative thinker David Brin does have this time, hard-won by a life spent writing about what will happen next. David is as fearless as he is fresh and objective; you won’t find ideas like his anywhere in the mass media.
I personally find his lack of interest in political parties and poles and roles deeply refreshing, and his thoughts about human motivations and consequences generally both smart and spot-on. In fact, it is a delight to read thoughts by someone who is outside of the mass media and advertising machines. His experience and intelligence, displayed in books, films, and prolific writing on the Net, are already proven.
It is our good luck that David was willing to share his current thoughts on the political, cultural, and economic forces in tension today. Tired of Trump, Cruz, Sanders, and Clinton? Read Brin, and enjoy. – mra.