In This Issue
Week of 8/7/2017
Vol. 22 Issue 27
SNS: Special Letter: Impersonating Machines: The Gift
- Machines vs. Humans?
- Identity
- Enter the Internet
- The Blind Spot
- The Role of Machine Identity
- Aristotle Said It Best
- Fixing the Blind Spot
- Scale and Speed
- A Beautiful World
- About Jeff Hudson
Publisher’s Note: Everyone has heard of ID theft, and many of our members have either been personally affected or know someone who has. There’s no question that the problem is of pandemic proportions, and remains largely out of control.
How will it end? Will all 7B of us be the eventual victims, with our ID data floating around the dark web on pirate sites? Probably. What could be worse?
In this week’s discussion, member and security CEO Jeff Hudson takes us to a yet more frightening place, one which seems equally inevitable, unless we take steps now: the theft of machine IDs.
Doesn’t sound too scary? Member Larry Smarr recently predicted that the Internet of Things (or, as we now call it, the Internet of Flows) will have perhaps a trillion nodes – each a machine of some kind.
— Working together, at the speed of light, on a globally connected network. Now you get it. We should all be involved in fixing this problem now. – mra.
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